Abstract: | Extra- and intracellular responses of pars principalis neurons in the medial geniculate body to stimulation of the first (AI), second (AII) and third (AIII) auditory cortex were studied in experiments on cats immobilized with d-tubocurarine. In geniculate neurons both antidromic (45-50%) and orthodromic (50-55%) reactions occurred in response to the auditory cortex stimulation. The latencies for antidromic and orthodromic responses were 0.3-2.5 ms and 2.0-ms, respectively. Late responses appeared with a latency of 30-200 ms. 63% of neurons responded antidromically to both AII and AI stimulation, that confirms the suggestion on the projection of a considerable number of the geniculate neurons to both auditory zones. Orthodromic responses of geniculate neurons consisted either of 1-2 spikes or a burst of 8-12 spikes with a frequency of 300-600/sec. The bursts are supposed to be the responses of inhibitory geniculate neurons. Intracellular recording showed the following responses: antidromic spikes, EPSP, EPSP-spike, EPSP-spike-IPSP, EPSP-IPSP and initial IPSP. Above 50% of initial IPSPs had the latency of 2.0-4.0 ms. They are supposed to be produced with the participation of intermediate inhibitory neurons located in the medial geniculate body. |