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Characterization of a myosin-like antigen from Onchocerca volvulus
Authors:Ngozi E. Erondu  John E. Donelson  
Recombinant cDNAs expressing an immunodominant antigen (Onchoag-1) of Onchocerca volvulus were identified by immunoscreening a cDNA expression library. The Onchoag-1 cDNAs are derived from an 8-kb mRNA that codes for a protein with an apparent molecular mass of 200 kDa. Indirect immunofluorescence using antisera against a recombinant fusion protein showed that Onchoag-1 is located in the muscle tissues of adult O. volvulus. The 2-kb sequence of one of the cDNAs contains a single open translation reading frame that encodes a protein with sequence similarities to Caenorhabditis elegans myosin heavy chain. Analysis of the 3′ region of Onchoag-1 chromosomal gene reveals that it is frequently interrupted by short introns that follow the GT/AG rule at their splice sites. Studies on this myofibrillar antigen should contribute to our understanding of muscle function in O. volvulus as well as provide useful insight to the genesis of the immunopathological damage that is often associated with allergic reactions (the Mazzotti reactions) in onchocerciasis patients, following the administration of a chemotherapeutic agent such as diethylcarbamazine.
Keywords:Onchocerca volvulus   Myosin-like antigen   Recombinant protein   Immunoblot   Immunofluorescence microscopy
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