Abstract: | Out of 24 patients with laryngeal papillomatosis 6 (5 female, 1 male) suffered from repeated relapses and underwent long-term treatment with alpha-IFN-therapy. Age at onset of the disease: 1 5/12-16 2/12 years. Duration of illness: 1-7 years, with several relapses were treated surgically and with laser-coagulation. Three out of 6 patients had a tracheal cannula and were cauterized by podophylline at 2-4 week intervals. IFN was given in dosages of 5-20 X 10(4) U/kg 2 or 3 times a week. IFN-dosage for each patient was determined using the induction kinetics of (2'-5')-oligo(A)synthetase (OAS) in the mononuclear cells of the circulating blood of patients with laryngeal papillomatosis. A continuous effect could be achieved by the dose of IFN determined in the described way always before OAS activity decreased to its initial level. All 6 patients responded favorably to the alpha-IFN-therapy. Two patients treated only with IFN showed remission without relapses. In 2 cases IFN was successfully used to prevent relapses after surgical treatment and laser-coagulation. In 2 patients with papillomatosis extending into the main bronchi the disease could only be brought to a standstill, i.e. it was not necessary to remove the papillomas. Two out of 3 patients with laryngeal papillomatosis could be decannulated. Long-term therapy following the above described principles is efficient and without significant side-effects. Three patients are in treatment for more than 3 10/12 years. |