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Assay of 1-nitropropane, 2-nitropropane, 1-azoxypropane and 2-azoxypropane for carcinogenicity by gavage in Sprague--Dawley rats
Authors:Fiala, Emerich S.   Czerniak, Richard   Castonguay, Andre   Conaway, C.Clifford   Rivenson, Abraham
Affiliation:Naylor Dana Institute for Disease Prevention, American Health Foundation Valhalla, NY 10595, USA
2Present address: Sterling-Winthrop Research Institute Rennselaer, NY 12144, USA
3Present address: School of Pharmacy, Laval University Quebec City, Quebec G1K 7P4, Canada
1-Nitropropane (1-NP), 2-nitropropane (2-NP), 1-azoxypropane(1-AP) and 2-azoxypropane (2-AP), were assayed for carcinogenicityby gavage in male Sprague—Dawley rats. 2-NP was givenat 1 mmol/kg three times per week for 16 weeks. 1-NP (1 mmol/kg),1-AP (0.1 mmol/kg), 2-AP (0.1 mmol/kg) or Emulphor EL-620 vehiclewas given three times per week for 16 weeks, and then once perweek for 10 weeks. In the 2-NP treated group both benign andmalignant liver tumors occurred in 100% of the animals. No treatmentrelated tumors occurred in rats receiving 1-NP. In rats treatedwith 1-AP, a high incidence of skin tumors (100%), mostly keratoacanthomas,and of tumors of the nasal cavity (59%) was observed. Rats whichwere given 2-AP also showed an increased incidence of skin keratoacanthomas(21%), but not of other tumors. These findings (i) confirm,using the oral route of administration, the results of inhalationstudies by others indicating the potent hepatocarcinogenicityof 2-NP, (ii) establish a practical model in which the mechanismof 2-NP carcinogenicity can now be more readily studied, and(iii) demonstrate that 1-AP, and probably 2-AP, like other aliphaticazoxy compounds thus far examined, are carcinogenic in rats.
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