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Sense of coherence and psychosocial factors among adolescents
Authors:Myrin B  Lagerström M
Affiliation:Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Nursing, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. britta.myrin@ki.se
AIM: The overall aim of the present study was to investigate whether there was a relationship between sense of coherence and psychosocial factors among adolescents. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a sample of pupils in year eight from comprehensive schools in Stockholm city, selected with regard to socioeconomic area. In the final sample of the study there were 383 pupils: 196 girls and 187 boys. Two questionnaires, the Sense of Coherence Scale and the Health Profile Scale measuring health behaviour, were used to collect data. RESULTS: Girls showed a significantly more negative outcome compared with boys, in eight psychosocial factors. The most pronounced difference between boys and girls was seen in feeling depressed: 17% and 54% respectively. Five factors proved to be associated with low SOC in the multivariate analysis: life dissatisfaction, feeling depressed, worries about family members, poor psychosomatic health and being a girl. CONCLUSION: The findings reveal domains where adolescents, especially girls, seem to be more vulnerable. Psychosomatic health and mental health are related to low sense of coherence.
Keywords:Adolescents    Mental health    Psychosocial factors    Psychosomatic health    Sense of coherence
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