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The development of daughter sporocysts inside the mother sporocyst ofSchistosoma mansoni with special reference to the ultrastructure of the body wall
Authors:Elisabeth A. Meuleman  Paulina J. Holzmann  Richard C. Peet
Affiliation:(1) Laboratory of Medical Parasitology, Free University, P. O. Box 7161, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
The development of the mother sporocyst and the differentiation of the daughter sporocyst ofSchistosoma mansoni inBiomphalaria pfeifferi are described. The tegumental structure of the mother sporocyst, consisting of an outer layer connected to internally situated nucleated cell bodies, forms extensions which enwrap the germinal cells. The parenchyma cells, in which the germinal cells were embedded before, degenerate. When daughter sporocyst embryos develop from germinal cells they are enveloped by a primitive epithelium which is formed by fusion of the extensions of the tegumental structure of the mother sporocyst. Somatic cells located peripherally in the developing daughter sporocyst expand and coalesce beneath the primitive epithelium to form the future outer layer of the tegumental structure of the daughter sporocyst. The primitive epithelium degenerates, the newlyformed layer looses its nuclei, and becomes connected to internally situated nucleated cell bodies. Further developments in the tegumental structure of the daughter sporocyst include the formation of microvillus-like projections, a surface coat, spines, and a basement membrane.
Keywords:Schistosoma mansoni  Mother sporocyst  Daughter sporocyst  Biomphalaria pfeifferi  Ultrastructure
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