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引用本文:陈清峰,田本淳,张静,吴倩岚,赵畅. 全国艾滋病综合防治示范区(第一轮)大众预防艾滋病健康教育效果评估[J]. 中国健康教育, 2010, 0(3): 175-178
作者姓名:陈清峰  田本淳  张静  吴倩岚  赵畅
摘    要:目的通过大众人群预防艾滋病知识、信念态度和行为等情况的调查分析,了解示范区健康教育工作情况,大众预防艾滋病信息来源和对传播形式的接受情况。方法在5类不同示范区中,每类抽取2个样本区(县),分别对城市居民、农村居民和学生3类人群进行定量调查。同时在每类示范区选择1个样本区(县)开展定性访谈。结果示范区大众艾滋病知识总知晓率为86.21%,其中初中生知晓率最低(76.15%),不同性别调查对象差异不大。80.30%的人希望得到有关预防艾滋病的宣传材料,83.27%的人预防艾滋病知识主要来源于电视,其次是宣传画/传单等。77.50%的人认为当地近几年预防艾滋病宣传工作做的"较好"或"好"。结论开展示范区工作,实现了提高艾滋病防治知识知晓率的预期目标;动员大众媒体和群众的广泛参与,可提高大众预防艾滋病知识水平,使相关高危行为出现积极改变趋势。

关 键 词:艾滋病  示范区  健康教育  评估

Effectiveness evaluation on public health education of AIDS prevention and cure in China Comprehensive AIDS Response(the first round)
CHEN Qing-feng,TIAN Ben-chun,ZHANG Jing,WU Qian-lan,ZHAO Chang.National Center for AIDS/STD Control , Prevention,Chinese Center for Disease Control , Prevention,Beijing ,China. Effectiveness evaluation on public health education of AIDS prevention and cure in China Comprehensive AIDS Response(the first round)[J]. Chinese Journal of Health Education, 2010, 0(3): 175-178
Authors:CHEN Qing-feng  TIAN Ben-chun  ZHANG Jing  WU Qian-lan  ZHAO Chang.National Center for AIDS/STD Control    Prevention  Chinese Center for Disease Control    Prevention  Beijing   China
Affiliation:CHEN Qing-feng,TIAN Ben-chun,ZHANG Jing,WU Qian-lan,ZHAO Chang.National Center for AIDS/STD Control , Prevention,Chinese Center for Disease Control , Prevention,Beijing 100050,China
Abstract:Objective To understand the status of people's AIDS prevention knowledge,attitude and behavior in the first round of China Comprehensive AIDS Response(China CARES),and to determine the situation of health education work,people's source of AIDS prevention information and their acceptance of communication channels for AIDS prevention.Methods Using multi-stage stratified random sampling,10 China CARES from 5 kinds of China CARES were selected,and urban and rural residents and students were conducted a quantita...
Keywords:AIDS  China Comprehensive AIDS Response  Health education  Evaluation  
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