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引用本文:俞鼎芳 刘德荣. 俞慎初教授论治急危症[J]. 福建中医学院学报, 1993, 3(2): 65-66
作者姓名:俞鼎芳 刘德荣
摘    要:俞老认为中医药急救法,凡行之有效的,都可推广使用。比如镇痉熄风法,可用于小儿高热抽风;通窍启闭法,可用于中风闭证;敛汗固脱法,可用于暴喘脱证;理气止痛法,可用于急腹证中属肝郁气滞型。

关 键 词:俞慎初 急症 医案医话 发热 中风

Prof.Yu Shenchu''''s Exposition on Treating Emergency
Yu Dingfen. Prof.Yu Shenchu''''s Exposition on Treating Emergency[J]. Journal of Fujian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1993, 3(2): 65-66
Authors:Yu Dingfen
Abstract:Prof.Yu thinks that all the TCM methods for treating emergency which are effectivecould be popularly used For examples,the method of calming wind and spasmolysis could be used forchildren high fever with convulsion,refreshing mind and inducing resuscitation for tense syndrome ofwind stroke,arresting sweating and controlling prostration for prostration symdrome of sudden asthma,regulating Qi to alleviate pain for stagnation of liver Qi in acute abdomen.
Keywords:fever/TCM ther  wind stroke(TCM)/TCM ther  asthma/TCM ther  pancreatitis/TCM ther  Zhibao Dan/TCM ther  Comus Officinalis/ther use  Qingyi Tang/ther use  Pheretima Aspergillum/ther use  Uncariae Phynchophylla/ther use
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