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The influence of bone mechanical properties and implant fixation upon bone loading around oral implants.
Authors:H Van Oosterwyck  J Duyck  J Vander Sloten  G Van der Perre  M De Cooman  S Lievens  R Puers  I Naert
Affiliation:Division of Biomechanics and Engineering Design, KU Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200A, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium. hans.vanoosterwyck@mech.kuleuven.ac.be
Finite element models were created to study the stress and strain distribution around a solitary BAnemark implant. The influence of a number of clinically relevant parameters was examined: bone-implant interface (fixed bond versus frictionless free contact), bone elastic properties, unicortical versus bicortical implant fixation and the presence of a lamina dura. Bone loading patterns in the vicinity of the implant seem to be very sensitive to these parameters. Hence they should be integrated correctly in numerical models of in vivo behaviour of oral implants. This necessitates the creation of patient-dependent finite element models.
Keywords:oral implant  finite element analysis  bone loading
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