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Comparisons of avian renal responses to bovine parathyroid extract, synthetic bovine (1-34) parathyroid hormone, and synthetic human (1-34) parathyroid hormone
Authors:R F Wideman  S L Youtz
Affiliation:The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802 USA
Abstract:The structure of avian parathyroid hormone (PTH) is only partially known, therefore studies of the avian renal responses to PTH have been conducted using bovine parathyroid extract (bPTE), synthetic human PTH (h(1-34)PTH), and synthetic bovine PTH (b(1-34)PTH). In vitro studies indicate that these peptides may have quite different chick kidney receptor binding affinities and adenylate cyclase activation potencies. In the present study, the in vivo renal responses to bPTE, b(1-34)PTH, and h(1-34)PTH have been compared in immature domestic fowl. The following parameters were evaluated: glomerular filtration rates; renal plasma flow rates; urine pH; and fractional excretion of sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, and inorganic phosphate. Overall, the different hormonal peptides elicited qualitatively similar responses: they all were phosphaturic, natriuretic, diuretic, hypomagnesiuric, hypocalciuric, and kaliuretic. This is the first study to show an effect of PTH on renal magnesium transport in avian species. Quantitative comparisons make it clear that bPTE is more natriuretic and diuretic, but less phosphaturic than either b(1-34)PTH or h(1-34)PTH. A temporal dissociation of the phosphaturic response from the other mineral and electrolyte responses suggests that the phosphaturic response is mediated by a separate mechanism.
Keywords:To whom correspondence should be sent at 206 William Henning Bldg.   University Park   Pa. 16802.
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