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引用本文:王乃昌,刘玉萍,吴立平. 原发性肝细胞癌HBV、HCV感染状况的分析[J]. 疾病监测, 2002, 17(5): 165-168. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2002.5.165
作者姓名:王乃昌  刘玉萍  吴立平
摘    要:为了探讨HCC与HBV、HCV感染的关系 ,了解HCC中HBV、HCV感染的构成 ,我们对 38例HCC及46例非肝癌癌症患者进行了HBV、HCV感染状况的研究。HCC及非肝癌癌症患者的HBV感染率分别为 78.95 %(30/38)、13.04 % (6/46 ) ,χ2 =36.90 ,P 2 =4.5 ,P <0.05。在原发性肝癌患者中A(“大三阳”)、B(“小三阳”)及C(HBsAg兼HBcAb双阳性 )这三种模式的检出率分别为 15.79% ,28.5 9% ,26.32 % ,但这三种模式在非肝癌癌症患者中均未出现 ,两组间有高度显著性差异。其中HBeAg均为阴性的检出率为 55.26%远高于HBeAg阳性者。HCC患者中 ,单纯乙肝感染者、单纯丙肝感染者、乙、丙肝混合感染者的构成分别为 41.18%、11.76%、47.06 %。以上结果提示 ,HCC的发生和HBV的感染有密切的关系 ;单纯HBV感染、HBV及HCV混合感染比单纯HCV感染者发生HCC的可能性大 ,但也并不说明单纯HCV感染者就没有发生HCC的危险性。

关 键 词:原发性肝细胞癌  乙型肝炎病毒  丙型肝炎病毒

Analysis on HBV, HCV Infection Situation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients
WANG Naichang,et al. Analysis on HBV, HCV Infection Situation in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients[J]. Disease Surveillance, 2002, 17(5): 165-168. DOI: 10.3784/j.issn.1003-9961.2002.5.165
Authors:WANG Naichang  et al
Affiliation:1.Shanxi Center for Disease Control and Prevention;030012
Abstract:To discuss the relationship between HBV, HCV infection and hepatocellular Carcinoma(HCC), understanding the situation of HBV or HCV infection in HCC cases 38 HCC cases and 46 other cancer cases were investigated by detecting the serum markers of HBV and HCV The infection rates of HBV in HCC and other cancer cases were 78.95%(30/38),13.04%(6/46) respectively (χ2=36.90, P<0.01) The distribution of model A (HBsAg+,HBeAg+,HBcAb+), model B(HBsAg+,HBeAb+,HBcAb+) and model C(HBsAg+,HBcAb+) in HCC cas es was 15.79%,28.59% and 26.32%. But the three models were not occurred in other cancer cases,which had significant difference between those two groups.In HCC cases,the rate (55.26%) of HBeAg negative was quite high-er than HBeAb positive,and the rate of HBV, HCV and HBV - HCV mixed infection was 41.18%,11.76%,47.6% respectively.The generation of HCC was closely related with HBV infection.The nifectors of HBV and HBV - HCV mixed infection seemed to have more chance to get HCC,but it did not mean that HCB ivfector was no danger to get HCC.
Keywords:? HBV HCV Hepatocellular Carcinoma(HCC)
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