Background Y-27632 is a specific inhibitor of Rho-associated coiled kinase (ROCK) and has been shown to promote the survival and induce the differentiation of a variety of cells types. However, the effects of Y-27632 on adult human adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSCs) are unclear. This study aimed to investigate the effects of Y-27632 on the neuronal-like differentiation of ADSCs. Methods ADSCs were isolated from women undergoing plastic surgery and cultured. ADSCs were treated with different doses of Y-27632 and observed morphological changes under microscope. The expression of nestin, neuron specific enolase (NSE) and microtubule-associated protein-2 (MAP-2) in ADSCs treated with Y-27632 was detected by immunocytochemistry and Western blotting analysis. Results Y-27632 had the potency to induce neuronal-like differentiation in ADSCs in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, the differentiation induced by Y-27632 was recovered upon drug withdraw. ADSCs treated with Y-27632 expressed neuronal markers such as NSE, MAP-2 and nestin while untreated ADSCs did not express these markers. Conclusion Selective ROCK inhibitor Y-27632 could potentiate the neuronal-like differentiation of ADSCs, suggesting that Y-27632 could be utilized to induce the differentiation of ADSCs to neurons and facilitate the clinical application of ADSCs in tissue engineering. |