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Isoflurane for removal of chest drains after cardiac surgery
Authors:F. M. M. Bryden,H. McFarlane,M. E. Tunstall,&   J. A. S. Ross
Affiliation:Departments of Anaesthesia and of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Aberdeen Royal Hospitals NHS Trust, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Foresterhill, Aberdeen AB9 2ZB, UK, Vale of Leven District General Hospital, Alexandria, Dunbartonshire G83 0UA, UK.
Abstract:Thirty-five patients who had undergone uncomplicated cardiac surgery were randomly allocated to receive either Entonox or isoflurane 0.25% in Entonox as inhalational analgesia for the removal of their two chest drains. The gases were presented premixed in high-pressure cylinders and were self-administered by means of a demand valve. The removal of the second drain was more painful than the first but that pain was better controlled by isoflurane 0.25% in Entonox than by Entonox alone.
Keywords:Anaesthetics    gases    nitrous oxide. Anaesthetics    volatile    isoflurane. Surgery    cardiac
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