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Quantitative analysis of long-term potentiation in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of the freely-moving 15-day-old rat
Authors:Joseph D. Bronzino  Khamis Abu-Hasaballah  Robert J. Austin-Lafrance  Peter J. Morgane
Affiliation:Trinity College, Department of Engineering and Computer Science, 300 Summit St., Hartford, CT 06106, USA
Abstract:The magnitude and duration of long-term potentiation (LTP) of perforant path/dentate granule cell synapses was examined in freely moving rats beginning at 15 days of age. Measures of dentate granule cell population EPSP slope and population spike amplitude (PSA) obtained before and after tetanization were used to evaluate the level of LTP. Tetanization resulted insignificant enhancement of both the population EPSP slope (≈ +75%) and PSA (≈ +40%) measures. This enhancement was maintained without significant change for 18 h, after which both measures began a steady and continuous rise. Daily input/output response measures from age-matched nontetanized animals were used to factor out enhancement related to normal development. Under this schema, tetanization-induced enhancement of both EPSP slope and PSA measures decayed slowly, beginning 18–24 h after tetanization, returning to base-line 5 days after tetanization. Enhancement obtained from 90-day-old animals decayed to baseline 24 h after tetanization. The longer duration of LTP obtained from preweanlings is discussed with regard to the development of inhibitory systems modulating granule cell excitability.
Keywords:Long-term potentiation   Dentate granule cell   Hippocampal formation   Field potential measures   Development of LTP
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