Abstract: | Serum enzyme aralysis has been used in thediagnosis of hepatobiliary diseases for manyyears. In order to enhance the diagnostic valueof enzymology, attention has been directed tothe different molecular forms (isozymes) of agiven enzyme. Since 1977, we have studied theclinical application of isozymes of lactate dehy-drogenase (LDH), glutamate-oxalacetate transa-minase (GOT), r-glutamyl transpeptidase(GGT), alkaline phosphatase and adenosine dia-minase. The results of our study of LDH is-ozyme and GOT isozyme are reported in thispaper. All cases were hospitalized and evaluatedcarefully. The diagnosis was made according tothe widely accepted clinical criteria and in abouthalf of the cases the diagnoses were proven bypathological examination through_biopsy and/oroperation. Normal sera were obtained fromblood bank donors in our hospital. |