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Partial renal resection by LaparoNewPro: in vivo open and laparoscopic study in an animal model
Authors:Piero Rossi  Pierluigi Bove  Adriano De Majo  Edoardo Ricciardi  Maurizio Mattei
Affiliation:1. Department of General Surgery, University Hospital of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy;2. Department of Urology, University Hospital of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy;3. Department of Biology STA;4. University Hospital of Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Introduction: The aim of this research project was to test an incremental bipolar radiofrequency generator with open and laparoscopic inline electrode probe for partial renal resection without vascular clamping.

Material and methods: Sixteen polar resections with clamping and six without were performed in four pigs in the acute phase. Three pigs underwent laparoscopic polar resection and were live housed for ten days and reoperated to verify the presence of hematic and urinary collection and the condition of the renal edge. Five pigs underwent laparoscopic polar resection without clamping, and two of these were live housed and reoperated after ten days.

Results: Polar renal resection by our system (LaparoNewPro) turned out to be effective and safe, without cardio-respiratory complications or damage to the remaining parenchyma. Coagulation of the renal parenchyma before resection is effective and safe; at the reoperation, no complications were observed. The laparoscopic version of the probe is ergonomic and safe, with effective coagulation and a small amount of smoke produced. No complications occurred in the housed animals. No damage, local or to residual parenchyma, or thrombosis of the renal vessels were found.

Conclusions: LaparoNewPro is able to deliver coagulation of the resection line effectively and independently of clamping of the vessels both in the open and laparoscopic approaches. Coagulation times are short, the automatism of the generator is reliable, and the open and laparoscopic probes are ergonomic.

Keywords:Nephron sparing surgery  partial nephrectomy  bipolar radiofrequency  multi-electrode probe  LaparoNewPro
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