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Symptomatic Chikungunya Virus Infection and Pregnancy Outcomes: A Nested Case-Control Study in French Guiana
Authors:  lia Basurko,Najeh Hcini,Magalie Demar,Philippe Abboud,the CMFdeng study group,Mathieu Nacher,Gabriel Carles,Vé  ronique Lambert,Sé  verine Matheus
During the Chikungunya epidemic in the Caribbean and Latin America, pregnant women were affected by the virus in French Guiana. The question of the impact of the virus on pregnancy was raised because of the lack of scientific consensus and published data in the region. Thus, during the Chikungunya outbreak in French Guiana, a comparative study was set up using a cohort of pregnant women. The objective was to compare pregnancy and neonatal outcomes between pregnant women with Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) infection and pregnant women without CHIKV. Of 653 mothers included in the cohort, 246 mothers were included in the case-control study: 73 had CHIKV fever during pregnancy and 173 had neither fever nor CHIKV during pregnancy. The study did not observe any severe clinical presentation of CHIKV in the participating women. There were no intensive care unit admissions. In addition, the study showed no significant difference between the two groups with regard to pregnancy complications. However, the results showed a potential excess risk of neonatal ICU admission of the newborn when the maternal infection occurred within 7 days before delivery. These results suggest that special attention should be paid to neonates whose mothers were infected with CHIKV shortly before delivery.
Keywords:Chikungunya virus   French Guiana   neonatal outcomes   pregnancy   pregnancy outcomes
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