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引用本文:董雪,杨文秀,宋桂德,贾瑞香. 天津市城乡居民慢性病患病特征分析[J]. 中国慢性病预防与控制, 2005, 13(1): 14-17
作者姓名:董雪  杨文秀  宋桂德  贾瑞香
作者单位:1. 天津医学高等专科学校,公共卫生与卫生事业管理系,天津,300052
2. 天津市卫生防病中心,天津,300011
3. 天津市卫生局,天津,300041
摘    要:
目的研究天津市城乡居民慢性病患病的流行病学特征及其影响因素。方法采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,全市共抽取居民32287人。结果居民慢性病患病率为14.901%,其中城市21.058%,高于农村(10.457%),χ2=696.685,P<0.000;女性(16.609%)高于男性(13.212%),χ2=74.424,P<0.000。位于前5位的慢性病为高血压病、缺血性心脏病、糖尿病、脑血管病、运动系疾病,患病率分别为3.986%,1.580%,1.276%,0.997%,0.753%。糖尿病由1998年的第7位上升到第3位,椎间盘疾病首次进入前10位。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,影响居民慢性病患病的主要因素有性别、年龄、职业、婚姻状况、受教育程度、是否享有医疗保障、吸烟、饮酒、体育锻炼等,但在城乡表现不同。结论 天津市慢性病患病率与1998年基本持平,但60岁以下患病率有明显下降,与多年来天津市加大慢性病综合防治力度有关。慢性病患病率受多种因素影响,对重点人群进行综合防治与管理方可收到良好效果。

关 键 词:慢性病  患病率  影响因素  Logistic回归  天津市

An Analysis of the Epidemiological Features of Chronic Diseases among the Urban and Rural Residents in Tianjin
DONG Xue,YANG Wen-xiu,SONG Gui-de,et al.. An Analysis of the Epidemiological Features of Chronic Diseases among the Urban and Rural Residents in Tianjin[J]. Chinese Journal of Prevention and Control of Chronic Non-Communicable Diseases, 2005, 13(1): 14-17
Authors:DONG Xue  YANG Wen-xiu  SONG Gui-de  et al.
Affiliation:DONG Xue,YANG Wen-xiu,SONG Gui-de,et al. Tianjin Medical College,Tianjin 300052,China
Objective To analyze and research the epidemiological characteristics and related factors for chronic diseases among the urban and rural residents in Tianjin. Methods 32 287 residents were selected from 18 districts by multistage stratified sampling. A household survey with self-reported questionnaire was carried out on chronic diseases. Results 1. The general prevalent rate of chronic diseases was 14.901%. The prevalent rates had significant difference between areas and gender (P<0.000). 2. The order of preceding five diseases was hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and diseases of movement system. The diabetes prevalence was increased from the 7th ranking in up to the 3rd ranking right now. The intervertebral disk disease first ranked the preceding ten diseases. 3. Multiple Logistic regression analysis indicated that the main influence factors for the occurrence of chronic diseases were sex, age, occupation, marital status, received education degree, medical treatment, smoking, drinking and so on. Conclusions The general prevalence of chronic diseases was approximately equal to that in 1998 in Tianjin, and the rate in 60 years old below was falling. Hypertension was yet the first rank disease. The prevention education should be stressed in young people. The focus of disease control was in middle ages. Intervention measures should be taken according to the different characteristics of the different age population.
Keywords:Chronic disease  Prevalence  Influencing factors  Logistic regression  Tianjin
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