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Immunohistochemical detection of the latent nuclear antigen-1 of the human herpesvirus type 8 to differentiate cutaneous epidemic Kaposi sarcoma and its histological simulators
Authors:Patricia Fonseca Pereira  Tullia Cuzzi  Maria Clara Gutierrez Galhardo
Affiliation:1. Master’s Degree, MD, Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute - Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (IPEC-FIOCRUZ) – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;2. PhD, MD, Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute - Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (IPEC-FIOCRUZ) – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil;3. Postdoctoral research, MD, Evandro Chagas Clinical Research Institute - Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (IPEC-FIOCRUZ) – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Kaposi''s sarcoma is the most common neoplasia diagnosed in AIDS patients and theexpression of the human herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) latent nuclear antigen-1 has beenuseful for its histological diagnosis. The aim of this study is to confirm thatimmunohistochemistry is a valuable tool for differentiating KS from its simulators inskin biopsies of HIV patients. Immunohistochemical and histological analyses wereperformed in 49 Kaposi''s sarcoma skin biopsies and 60 of its histological simulators.Positivity was present in the 49 Kaposi''s sarcoma skin biopsies and no staining wasobserved in the 60 simulators analyzed, resulting in sensibility and specificity of100%. HHV-8 immunohistochemical detection is an effective tool for diagnosingKaposi''s sarcoma, especially in early lesions in which neoplastic features are notevident. It also contributes to its histological differential diagnosis.
Keywords:Herpesvirus-8, human   Immunohistochemistry   Sarcoma, Kaposi
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