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An evaluation of the treatment of parapsoriasis with phototherapy
Authors:Ida Alzira Gomes Duarte  Karen Levy Korkes  Vanessa Alice M. Amorim  Clarice Kobata  Roberta Buense  Rosana Lazzarini
Abstract:Whether parapsoriasis represents an early stage of T-cell cutaneous lymphoma is stillthe subject of controversy. We evaluated the efficacy of phototherapy in thetreatment of parapsoriasis and its relation with TCCL. Patients diagnosed withparapsoriasis and treated with phototherapy PUVA or UVB-NB were selected. Between 1to 8 years following treatment the evolution of their disease was evaluated. In 62patients the cure rate was 79.3% and 17.2% showed improvement of the lesions. Onlytwo patients developed full blown T-cell cutaneous lymphoma. Phototherapy is anexcellent treatment for parapsoriasis, with high cure rates, regardless of the typeof phototherapy employed. Of the 62 patients under study, parapsoriasis showed nogeneral tendency to progress to T-cell cutaneous lymphoma.
Keywords:Parapsoriasis   Phototherapy   PUVA therapy   Ultraviolet therapy
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