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Androgen and Estrogen Effects on Vasopressin Messenger RNA Expression in the Medial Amygdaloid Nucleus in Male and Female Rats
Authors:Zuoxin Wang,Geert J. De,Vries&dagger  
Affiliation:Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA.;Neuroscience and Behavioral Program, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA.
Abstract:Vasopressin messenger RNA (AVP mRNA) expression in the medial amygdala and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) is almost completely dependent on gonadal steroids. In the BST, the effects of gonadal steroids on AVP mRNA expression are sexually dimorphic. Males have more cells that express AVP mRNA and more AVP mRNA per cell than females. Here we test whether this is also true for the MA. In gonadectomized rats that were treated with testosterone, males had more cells that were labeled for AVP mRNA than females. However, the labeling per cell did not differ between males and females. To assess contribution of testosterone metabolites to these differences, male and female rats were gonadectomized and implanted with empty tubing, or tubing filled with dihydrotestosterone (DHT), estradiol (E), or E plus DHT (E + DHT). The pattern of steroid effects on AVP mRNA expression in the MA was similar in both sexes. Hardly any labeled cells were found in rats with empty implants or rats treated with DHT. Significantly more labeled cells were found in rats treated with E, and even more cells in rats treated with E + DHT. The number of AVP mRNA-labeled cells was higher in males than in females for E as well as E + DHT treatment, but the labeling per cell did not differ between sexes. These data suggest that the number of MA cells that can express AVP mRNA is higher in males than in females, but the estrogen and androgen responsiveness of individual AVP mRNA-expressing cells in the MA does not differ between sexes.
Keywords:testosterone    estradiol    aromatase    dihydrotestosterone   bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
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