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Current treatment concepts for neuromas-in-continuity
Authors:Mavrogenis Andreas F  Pavlakis Kitty  Stamatoukou Anna  Papagelopoulos Panayiotis J  Theoharis Stamatios  Zoubos Aristidis B  Zhang Zijie  Soucacos Panayotis N
Affiliation:First Department of Orthopaedics, Athens University Medical School, Athens, Greece. andreasfmavrogenis@yahoo.gr
SUMMARY: A neuroma-in-continuity is a neuroma that results from failure of the regenerating nerve growth cone to reach peripheral targets. It occurs within an intact nerve in response to internally damaged fascicles, resulting in a distal portion of the nerve that no longer functions properly. Management of neuromas-in-continuity is challenging. Chemical methods, and microsurgical techniques including fascicular ligation, and burying into muscle and bone have been reported to prevent neuroma-in-continuity formation. The purpose of this article is to present novel techniques for neuroma-in-continuity management, and to discuss the related literature.
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