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Establishment of a system to standardize acceptability criteria for alanine aminotransferase activity in donated blood
Authors:JP AuBuchon,   JS Wilkinson,   SJ Kassapian,   GC Edwards
Affiliation:American Red Cross Blood Services, National Headquarters, Washington, DC.
A multilaboratory study was conducted to develop a system for standardizing alanine aminotransferase (ALT) acceptability criteria ("cutoffs") for donated blood. Without standardized cutoffs, each laboratory must develop its own cutoff, and this may not make optimal use of ALT testing to reduce transmission of non-A, non-B hepatitis (NANB). Defining an ALT acceptability criterion in absolute terms is necessary because relative cutoffs based on local donor populations may be affected by the prevalence of NANB in each community. This study involved 16 laboratories using 23 different analytic systems. The ALT results of the analysis of a plasma reference sample could be used to translate mathematically a single, absolute cutoff to units applicable to each analytic system. The distribution of ALT results in 1.4 million donations from across the country was established; basing the cutoff on this sample avoids the problems inherent in using a local donor base to establish a cutoff. We propose the implementation of a system to standardize ALT acceptability criteria to an activity level defined by analysis of a nationwide donor sample.
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