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The effect of surface chemistry modification of titanium alloy on signalling pathways in human osteoblasts
Authors:Zreiqat H  Valenzuela Stella M  Nissan Besim Ben  Roest Richard  Knabe Christine  Radlanski Ralf J  Renz Herbert  Evans Peter J

aDepartment of Pathology, School of Medical Sciences, University of New South Wales, Australia

bDepartment of Health Science, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

cDepartment of Chemistry, Materials and Forensic Science, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

dDepartment of Experimental Dentistry, Charité University Medicine Berlin, Benjamin Franklin Campus, Berlin, Germany

eAustralian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization (ANSTO), Sydney, Australia

Abstract:Establishing and maintaining mature bone at the bone–device interface is critical to the long-term success of prosthesis. Poor cell adhesion to orthopaedic and dental implants results in implant failure. Considerable effort has been devoted to alter the surface characteristics of these biomaterials in order to improve the initial interlocking of the device and skeleton. We investigated the effect of surface chemistry modification of titanium alloy (Ti–6Al–4V) with zinc, magnesium or alkoxide-derived hydroxy carbonate apatite (CHAP) on the regulation of key intracellular signalling proteins in human bone-derived cells (HBDC) cultured on these modified Ti–6Al–4V surfaces. Western blotting demonstrated that modifying Ti–6Al–4V with CHAP or Mg results in modulation of key intracellular signalling proteins. We showed an enhanced activation of Shc, a common point of integration between integrins and the Ras/Mapkinase pathway. Mapkinase pathway was also upregulated, suggesting its role in mediating osteoblastic cell interactions with biomaterials. The signalling pathway involving c-fos (member of the activated protein-1) was also shown to be upregulated in osteoblasts cultured on the Mg and CHAP modified Ti–6Al–4V. Thus surface modification with CHAP or Mg may contribute to successful osteoblast function and differentiation at the skeletal tissue–device interface.
Keywords:Hydroxyapatite   Sol–gel coatings   Titanium alloy   Intracellular signalling proteins   Osteoblasts
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