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Late onset haemorrhagic disease in premature infants who received intravenous vitamin K1
Affiliation:Department of Neonatology, Royal Children's Hospital, Parkville;Department of NeonatologyGastroenterology, Royal Children's Hospital, Parkville;Division of Paediatrics, Royal Women's Hospital, Carlton, Victoria, Australia
Abstract:Abstract: The clinical details are reported of two premature infants who developed late onset haemorrhagic disease after receiving their initial doses of vitamin K1 prophylaxis intravenously. Both reported infants had received two doses of intravenous vitamin K1, 0.1 mg, in the 1st week of life, and a further oral dose, 1.0 mg, at 4 weeks. Bleeding due to vitamin K deficiency occurred on days 74 and 84, respectively. Vitamin K deficiency bleeding is rare in low birthweight infants, probably because it has been routine practice to give such infants intramuscular vitamin K1. One of the reported infants had cytomegalovirus hepatitis, the other did not have liver disease. These findings could be explained if intramuscular vitamin K1 were to have a longer duration of effect than intravenous vitamin K1. This may be because intramuscular vitamin K1 acts as a depot preparation. The findings suggest that intravenous vitamin K1 is less effective than intramuscular for long-term prophylaxis against late onset haemorrhagic disease. Intravenous vitamin K1 should not be used for long-term prophylaxis in the prevention of late onset haemorrhagic disease.
Keywords:haemorrhagic disease    infusion intravenous    injection    intramuscular    vitamin K1    vitamin K prophylaxis
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