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Lipid metabolism and hyperandrogenism.
Authors:R A Wild
Affiliation:University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City 73190.
Abstract:Hyperandrogenism and lipid metabolism were shown to be related intimately. Any discussion of the nature of their relationship must include other clinical and metabolic variables such as hyperinsulinemia and UBO. Despite the many correlations among each of these factors, the appropriate sequence in the pathogenesis of these conditions has not been defined. Do conditions that result in insulin resistance (e.g., genetic defects, insulin receptor antibodies, and obesity) also lead to the development of hyperandrogenemia by direct or indirect ovarian stimulation by insulin? Does hyperandrogenism of ovarian or adrenal origin cause abnormal upper body fat distribution, in turn leading to lipid abnormalities and insulin resistance? Regardless of the issue of mechanism of causality, women with hyperandrogenism are thought to be at greater risk for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality than their normoandrogenic counterparts. These women often are obese, hypertensive, and sedentary; ingest diets high in saturated fats; and have glucose intolerance and/or insulin resistance. All these abnormalities are well known independent risk factors for the development of lipid abnormalities and cardiovascular disease. Whether hyperandrogenism is a secondary consequence of any of these or whether it is an independent contributor to lipid aberrations requires future study. Treatment strategies for hyperandrogenic women, however, should not only be directed toward alleviation of the cosmetic problem of hirsutism but also toward the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular morbidity using modalities aimed at eradicating hyperinsulinemia, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. These modalities should include modifications in diet, exercise, and weight in addition to pharmacologic and/or surgical manipulation. Weight reduction will reduce many cardiovascular risk factors. Obesity is easier to target because of the many risk factors that result in it.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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