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引用本文:马渊,周文霞,程军平,张永祥. 六味地黄汤对悬吊应激小鼠下丘脑-垂体-卵巢轴激素的影响[J]. 中国实验方剂学杂志, 2002, 8(6): 18-21
作者姓名:马渊  周文霞  程军平  张永祥
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (G1 9990 5440 1 )
摘    要:目的 :观察悬吊应激雌性小鼠下丘脑 垂体 卵巢 (HPO)轴功能的变化及六味地黄汤 (LW )对其影响。方法 :用悬吊方法应激雌性小鼠 (第 1~ 3d悬吊 30min ,以后每 3d增加 30min) ,建立动物HPO轴功能失常模型 ,用放射免疫分析法检测下丘脑促性腺激素释放激素 (GnRH)含量及血清雌二醇浓度 ,用Westernblot检测垂体促黄体生成素 (LH)水平。结果 :悬吊应激组小鼠体重下降 ,动情周期及动情间期延长 ,下丘脑GnRH、垂体LH水平下降 ,血清雌二醇浓度升高。口服LW对应激小鼠动情周期无明显影响 ,但能一定程度减少其体重的下降 ;同时 ,口服LW能显著提高应激小鼠下丘脑GnRH和垂体LH的水平 ,并能明显降低应激小鼠血清雌二醇的浓度。结论 :悬吊应激可导致雌性小鼠HPO轴功能紊乱 ,LW对应激小鼠HPO轴功能紊乱具有明显纠正作用

关 键 词:应激  下丘脑垂体卵巢轴  六味地黄汤  促性腺激素释放激素  促黄体生成素

Effect of Liuwei Dihuang Decoction on Hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary Axis in Hanging Stress-loaded Female Mice
MA Yuan,ZHOU Wen-xi,CHENG Jun-ping,ZHANG Yong-xiang. Effect of Liuwei Dihuang Decoction on Hypothalamus-pituitary-ovary Axis in Hanging Stress-loaded Female Mice[J]. China Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae, 2002, 8(6): 18-21
Authors:MA Yuan  ZHOU Wen-xi  CHENG Jun-ping  ZHANG Yong-xiang
Affiliation:Beijing Institute of pharmacology and toxicology,Beijing 100850
Abstract:Object:To study the effect of Liuwei Dihuang (LW) decoction on stress induced imbalance of hypothalamus|pituitary|ovary (HPO) axis in female mice.Methods:Mice were subjected to hanging stress every day (30 min for the first 3 days,and after word increasing 30 min for every 3 days).The total duration of stress was 25 days.Radioimmunoassay (RIA) was used to test the concentrations of hypothalamal Gonadotropinreleasing hormone (GnRH) and serum estradiol,and the western blot technique was used to quantify the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the pituitary.Results:The body weights of stress|loaded mice were markedly increased and the estrus cycle and the diestrus was significantly prolonged in stress|loaded mice.Meanwhile,the concentrations of hypothalamal GnRH and pituitary LH in stress|loaded mice were significantly decreased,while the levels of serum estradiol were significantly increased.Oral administration of LW showed little effect on the oestrus cycle in stressed mice,but showed significantly improving effects on the levels of hypothalamal GnRH and pituitary LH.The serum estradiol concentration of stressed mice was significantly restored after LW administration.Conclutions:Stressing mice by hanging induced malfunction of HPO axis,and LW improved or restored the disturbance of HPO axis in stess|loaded mice.
Keywords:Stress  Hypothalamus|pituitary|ovary Axis  Liuwei Dihuang decoction  Gonadotropin|releasing hormone  Luteinizing hormone
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