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The experiences of neighbour,volunteer and professional support‐givers in supporting community dwelling older people
Authors:Hanna M. van Dijk  Jane M. Cramm  Anna P. Nieboer
Public policy increasingly emphasises the importance of informal support networks to meet the needs of the ageing population. Evidence for the types of support neighbours provide to older people and how neighbours collaborate with formal support‐givers is currently insufficient. Our study therefore explored (i) types of informal neighbour support and (ii) experiences of neighbours, volunteers and professionals providing support. Interviews with nine Dutch neighbour support‐givers, five volunteers and 12 professionals were conducted and subjected to latent content analysis. Findings indicate that commitment occurred naturally among neighbours; along with providing instrumental and emotional support, neighbour support seems to be a matter of carefully ‘watching over each other’. Neighbour support‐givers, however, are often frail themselves and become overburdened; they furthermore lack support from professionals. Neighbour, volunteer and professional support‐givers seem to operate in distinct, non‐collaborative spheres. Findings suggest that policy‐makers should consider the opportunities and limitations of neighbour and volunteer support. Professionals have an indispensable role in providing back‐up and accountable, specialised support. They may be trained to adopt a visible and proactive attitude in neighbourhoods to facilitate, cooperate with and mediate between neighbour and volunteer support‐givers.
Keywords:collaboration  community  neighbour support  older people  professional  volunteer
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