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Selection of Filters and Evaluation In Vitro of the Selective Dual Filtration Artificial Kidney, SEDUFARK
Authors:Thor M. Svartaas,Leif C. Smeby,Stø  rker Jø  rstad,Tove B. Naess,Tor-Erik Widerø  e,Manfred Holtz
Affiliation:Institute of Biophysics, University of Trondheim, N7034 Trondheim-NTH, Norway.;Department of Nephrology, University of Trondheim, Norway;der Wilhelm-Pieck-Unwersität, Rostock, G.D.R.
Transport properties of different artificial kidney membranes have been studied employing substances with molecular weights ranging from 60 daltons (urea) to 62,000 daltons (dextran). The results from these studies were used to select filters for the SElective DUal Filtration ARtificial Kidney, SEDUFARK.
Selection criteria for filters to be used in long-term clinical trials with SEDUFARK were based on biological tests showing toxicity of large molecular weight substances in uremic blood plasma and clinical advantages of returning middle molecular weight substances to the patient. The filters selected were used for evaluation in vitro of the complete SEDUFARK system. The results confirmed a theoretical analysis of this system, demonstrating that selective removal of substances within given molecular weight ranges from uremic blood plasma is feasible with a combination of commercial filters. The efficiency of the system, however, is limited due to the "cut-off' characteristics and hydraulic permeabilities of membrane types currently available.
Keywords:SEDUFARK    artificial kidney    filtration
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