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Coma arousal procedure: A therapeutic intervention in the treatment of head injury
Authors:Sylvia Mitchell   Veronica A. Bradley  John L. Welch  Peter G. Britton
Affiliation: a Department of Psychiatry, University of Newcastle upon Tyne,b Department of Clinical Psychology, Regional Neurological Centre, Newcastle General Hospital,
This study reports on the efficacy of a 'coma arousal procedure'. This procedure involved a programme of vigorous sensory stimulation administered to comatose patients by relatives using Comakits. An experimental group of 12 severely head-injured patients received the coma arousal procedure while a matched control group did not. Total duration of coma and weekly Glasgow Coma Scale Scores were recorded for the two groups. Results indicate that the total duration of coma was significantly shorter and that coma lightened more rapidly for the experimental group.
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