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Effect of partial exchange transfusion in asymptomatic polycythemic LBW babies
Authors:Kumar Ajay  Ramji Siddharth
Affiliation:Department of Neonatology, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi 110 002, India. ajayanu@vsnl.net
Abstract:This randomized controlled trial was conducted to determine the effect of partial exchange transfusion in polycythemic babies. Forty five asymptomatic polycythemic babies with birth weight < or = 2000 g were included and randomly assigned to undergo either partial exchange transfusion using isotonic saline within 4 hours of screening or routine medical management. Outcome measures were neonatal morbidity (especially hypoglycemia and neurological alterations) and mortality; developmental delays using DDST-II, neurological deficits, tone and DTR abnormalities over 18 months follow up period. The overall neonatal morbidity in this study was low and comparable in the two groups. Some of the polycythemic babies in the non-exchanged group found initially at 3 months age with "suspected development" grew out of their developmental delay at 18 months of age or later while those who underwent exchange transfusion and with retarded development at 3 months of age remained so even at 18 months of age.
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