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The Toxicity of Dimethylamine in F-344 Rats and B6C3F1 Mice following a 1-Year Inhalation Exposure
Authors:BUCKLEY, L. A.   MORGAN, K. T.   SWENBERG, J. A.   JAMES, R. A.   HAMM, T. E., JR.   BARROW, C. S.
Abstract:The Toxicity of Dimethylamine in F-344 Rats and B6C3F1 Micefollowing a 1-Year Inhalation Exposure (1985). BUCKLEY, L. A.,MORGAN, K. T., SWENBERG, J. A., JAMES, R. A., HAMM, T. E., JR.,and BARROW, C. S. Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 5, 341–352. Dimethylamineis a widely used commodity chemical, for which there are fewchronic toxicity data. Male and female F-344 rats and B6C3F1mice were exposed by inhalation to 0, 10, 50, or 175 ppm dimethylamine(DMA) for 6 hr/day, 5 days/week for 12 months. Groups of 9–10male and female rats and mice were necropsied after 6 and 12months of exposure. No male mice were sacrificed at 12 monthsdue to a high incidence of early deaths in that group. The meanbody weight gain of rats and mice exposed to 175 ppm DMA wasdepressed to approximately 90% of control after 3 weeks of exposure.The only other treatment-related changes were concentration-relatedlesions in the nasal passages. Two distinct locations in thenose were affected: the respiratory epithelium in the anteriornasal passages, and the olfactory epithelium, especially thatlining the anterior dorsal meatus. There was focal destructionof the anterior nasoturbinate and nasal septum, local inflammation,and focal squamous metaplasia of the respiratory epitheliumin rats and mice. Mild goblet cell hyperplasia was observedonly in rats. The olfactory epithelium exhibited extensive lossof sensory cells with less damage to sustentacular cells. Therewas also loss of olfactory nerves, hypertrophy of Bowman's glands,and distension of the ducts of these glands by serocellulardebris in regions underlying degenerating olfactory epithelium.At the 175-ppm exposure level, rats had more extensive olfactorylesions than mice, with hyperplasia of small basophilic cellsadjacent to the basement membrane being present in rats butnot mice. After 12 months of exposure to 10 ppm DMA, minimalloss of olfactory sensory cells and their axons in olfactorynerve bundles was observed in the nasal passages of a few ratsand mice. These results indicate that the olfactory sensorycell is highly sensitive to the toxic effects of DMA, with minorlesions being produced in rodents even at the current thresholdlimit value of 10 ppm.
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