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Physical and Psychological Correlates of Functioning in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Authors:M. Scharloo   A. A. Kaptein  J. A. Weinman  L. N. A. Willems  H. G. M. Rooijmans
Affiliation: a Medical Psychology Department of Psychiatry, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlandsb Unit of Psychology as Applied to Medicine United Medical and Dental Schools, London, UKc Department of Pulmonology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
Abstract:We studied the contribution of coping and illness perceptions to outcome in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In a longitudinal study, 64 patients completed the Medical Outcomes Study Instrument and the Illness Perception Questionnaire. Data on coping and severity of illness (spirometry) were also collected. Regression analyses showed that first-time illness perceptions and coping significantly contributed to the prediction of social functioning, mental health, health perceptions, total functioning score, and prediction of visits to the outpatient clinic and prescribed medication 1 year later. These results have important implications for the medical management of patients with COPD.
Keywords:Functional status  Coping  Illness perceptions  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  Psychology  Quality of life
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