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引用本文:林恺,郭丽红,黄周红,陈永松. 简体中文版慢性病TBQ汉化及信效度研究[J]. 中华全科医学, 2022, 20(6): 974-977. DOI: 10.16766/j.cnki.issn.1674-4152.002502
作者姓名:林恺  郭丽红  黄周红  陈永松
作者单位:1.汕头大学医学院第一附属医院全科医学分院, 广东 汕头 515041
摘    要:  目的  针对我国治疗负担研究刚起步, 临床研究缺乏治疗负担评价工具的问题, 引进和汉化治疗负担问卷(treatment burden questionnaire, TBQ), 并在临床进行验证性研究。  方法  按照自评量表测试的跨文化翻译过程指南对源量表进行翻译、跨文化调适和临床验证。于2020年6-11月选取粤东地区住院和社区卫生中心治疗的慢性病患者352例为研究对象, 开展信效度检验。采用Cronbach's α系数、折半信度系数值和重测信度进行信度检验。通过内容效度、结构效度和收敛效度进行效度检验。  结果  简体中文版TBQ的总体Cronbach's α系数为0.91, 折半信度系数为0.87, 二周重测信度为0.80。内容效度指数(content validity index, CVI)为0.80~1.00;球形检验值为2 466.45(P < 0.01), Kaiser Meyer Olkin (KMO)测量值为0.91(>0.80);采用探索性因子分析法提取的3个公因子方差解释率分别是23.14%、20.89%、16.37%, 并解释了总方差的60.40%。收敛效度分析显示, 中文版TBQ总分值与慢性病患者的生存质量、共病数量以及健康状况均存在密切相关。  结论  简体中文版慢性病TBQ具有良好的信效度, 便捷易懂, 可接受度良好, 适用于中国文化背景的慢病、共病患者治疗负担评价及研究。 

关 键 词:慢性病   治疗负担   测评工具   信度   效度

Sinicization,reliability and validity of the simplified Chinese Treatment Burden Questionnaire for chronic disease
Affiliation:Family Medicine Center, the First Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical College, Shantou, Guangdong 515041, China
Abstract:  Objective  To introduce and translate the chronic disease Treatment Burden Questionnaire (TBQ) in simplified Chinese and conduct a clinical validation study.  Methods  The original English version of the questionnaire was translated, cross-cultural adapted and verified in a clinical context.From June to November 2020, 352 patients with chronic diseases who were hospitalised and treated in community health centres in eastern Guangdong were selected as the research objects to carry out reliability and validity tests.The reliability was tested by Cronbach's α, Spearman-Brown value and retest reliability.The validity was tested by content validity, structure validity and convergence validity.  Results  The Chinese TBQ had a Cronbach's α of 0.91, Spearman-Brown value of 0.87 and retest reliability of 0.80.The CVI was 0.80-1.00.The structure validity was tested by Bartlett's test and calculated to be 2 466.45[P < 0.01, KMO=0.91(>0.80)].Exploratory factor analysis showed that the variance explanatory rates of the three common factors were 23.14%, 20.89% and 16.37%, respectively, and explained 60.40% of the total variance.Convergence validity analysis showed that there is significant correlation amongst global scores and quality of life, number of comorbidities and health status.  Conclusion  The simplified Chinese TBQ for chronic diseases has good reliability and validity.The questionnaire is simple, convenient and acceptable for clinical practice and research of the treatment burden amongst Chinese patients with chronic diseases and comorbidity. 
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