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引用本文:翟利民,周涛,李宝生,刘希军,于会明,闫静. 血清肿瘤标志物与肺癌的关系[J]. 中华肿瘤防治杂志, 2003, 10(9): 923-925
作者姓名:翟利民  周涛  李宝生  刘希军  于会明  闫静
摘    要:目的 :探讨血清CEA、NSE、CYFRA2 1 1水平与肺癌的关系。方法 :采用电化学发光法检测 6 0例肺癌患者治疗前后血清CEA、NSE、CYFRA2 1 1水平。结果 :肺腺癌CEA水平明显高于鳞癌及小细胞癌 ,肺小细胞癌NSE水平明显高于鳞癌及腺癌 ,肺鳞癌CYFRA2 1 1水平明显高于腺癌及小细胞癌。腺癌CEA的阳性率显著高于其他类型 ,鳞癌CYFRA2 1 1的阳性率高于腺癌及小细胞癌。 3项肿瘤标志物以NSE对肺癌检出阳性率最高。治疗后CR、PR患者肿瘤标志物下降显著 ,可作为评价疗效的指标。结论 :CEA对肺腺癌的诊断价值较高 ,CYFRA2 1 1对肺鳞癌的诊断意义较大 ,NSE检测肺癌意义较大。血清 3项肿瘤标志物的水平对判断肺癌病期早晚及治疗有意义

关 键 词:肺肿瘤/诊断  癌胚抗原/血液  神经元特异性烯醇化酶/分析  角蛋白/分析

Relation of Serum Tumor Markers and Lung Cancer
ZHAI Li min,ZHOU Tao,LI Bao sheng,et al.. Relation of Serum Tumor Markers and Lung Cancer[J]. Chinese Journal of Cancer Prevention and Treatment, 2003, 10(9): 923-925
Authors:ZHAI Li min  ZHOU Tao  LI Bao sheng  et al.
Affiliation:ZHAI Li min,ZHOU Tao,LI Bao sheng,et al.Department of Radiation Oncology,Shandong Tumor Hospital and Institute,Jinan 250117,China
Abstract:Objective To explore the relation of serum level of CEA,NSE and SYFRA21 1 with lung cancer.Methods The electrochemiluminescence was used to measure the serum level of CEA,NSE and SYFRA21 1 in 60 cases of lung cancers.Results There is higher CEA serum level in adenocarcinoma and higher NSE serum lever in small cell cancer.there is higher CYFRA 21 1 serum level in squamous.The positive rate of CEA in adenocarcinoma is remarkably higher than others.The positive rate of CYFRA 21 1 in squamas is remarkabl higher than others.For lung cancer the positive rate of NSE is the highest in the three tumor markers.There are obvious fall of serum level of the three tumor markers in patients of CR or PR after treatment.Conclusions CEA presents higher diagnosis value in adenocarcinoma than others,CYFRA 21 1 in squamous.NSE presents the highest diagnosis value in three types lung cancer.There is obvious relationship of three tumor markers level with the stage of lung cancer and treatment response.
Keywords:lung neoplasms/diagnosis  carcinoembryonic antigen/blood  neuron specific enolase/analysis  keratin/analysis
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