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引用本文:邱洪祺 黄定九. 体外反搏对冠心病血小板聚集,TXB_2和6-酮-PGF_(1α)的影响[J]. 现代诊断与治疗, 1992, 3(2): 157-160
作者姓名:邱洪祺 黄定九
摘    要:

关 键 词:体外反搏  冠心病  血小板聚集  血栓素A_2  前列环素  内皮  血管

ECPS Effect to the PAG TXB_2,6-keto-PGF_(1α) of CHD
Qin Hongqi,et al Shanghai The people''''s Hospital. ECPS Effect to the PAG TXB_2,6-keto-PGF_(1α) of CHD[J]. Modern Diagnosis & Treatment, 1992, 3(2): 157-160
Authors:Qin Hongqi  et al Shanghai The people''''s Hospital
16 cases of potients with coronary artery disease had been treated be external counterpulsation(ECP). 11 cases had their platelet aggregation detced in pre--ECP, 1, 1 1/2 and 2 hours after the begining and 1, 2 hours after stopping of ECP, It was also estimated in the naxt morning after the whole course of ECP. We hed found that the patient's platelet aggregation and TXB_2 was decrcased since two hours after the begining(p<0.01, P<0.05 respectively). Besides, 6--keto--PGF_(1α) were increased(P<0.05) compared with that of pre--ECP.It seems that the change of circulatory dynamic can influence plateiet aggreation. It was possible that by improving the microcirculation and tissuse metabolism, ECP might protect the endothelium and thus accomodate syntheses of TXB_2 and PGI_2. It may be one of mechanism of efficacy of ECP and may thus prevent the injuring of coronary artery in thetrcatment of patient with angina pectoris.
Keywords:External Counterpulsation  Coronary Heart disease  Platelet Aggregation  Thromboxane A_2  Prostacyclin Endothelium vascular
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