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引用本文:刘红,彭贤贵,陈幸华,孔佩艳,刘林,张怡,张曦,高蕾,王庆余. 血小板相关抗体检测对血小板减少症的临床应用价值[J]. 重庆医学, 2003, 32(5): 557-558
作者姓名:刘红  彭贤贵  陈幸华  孔佩艳  刘林  张怡  张曦  高蕾  王庆余
摘    要:目的 探讨多种疾病患者因免疫紊乱导致血小板减少症时血小板相关抗体(PAIgG)的变化与血小板数的关系。方法 用ELISA方法检测病人血浆中的PAIgG。结果 PAIgG在原发性血小板减少性紫癜阳性率为83%,系统性红斑狼疮阳性率为66%,甲状腺功能亢进症阳性率为43%,脾亢阳性率为45%,骨髓纤维化阳性率为44%,再生障碍性贫血阳性率为25%。结论 多种血小板减少症均存在PAIgG值的升高;PAIgG值与血小板计数成反比;检测PAIgG对血小板减少症临床诊断及疗效判断有意义。

关 键 词:血小板相关抗体  检测  血小板计数

The clinical value of platelet-associated IgG examination for thrombocytopnia
LIU Hong,PENG Xian gui,CHEN Xing hua,et al.. The clinical value of platelet-associated IgG examination for thrombocytopnia[J]. Chongqing Medical Journal, 2003, 32(5): 557-558
Authors:LIU Hong  PENG Xian gui  CHEN Xing hua  et al.
Abstract:Objective To investigate the plasma level of platelet associated IgG(PAIgG) and its relation with platelet count in various kinds of disease with immune abnormal.Methods The level of the PAIgG in plasma was delermined by ELISA.Results The positive rates of PAIgG were 83% in idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura,66% in systemic lupus erythematorsus,43% in hyperthyroidism,45% in hypersplenism,44% in myelofibrosis,25% in aplastic anemia.Conclusion The plasma level of PAIgG increased in patients with various kinds of disease and reversed with counts of platelet.Test of plasma PAIgG is helpful for diagnosis and treatment result for disease with thrombocytopenia.
Keywords:platelet associated IgG  assay  platelet count
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