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引用本文:段丽华 张伟丽 时珊珊 孙彦奇 张厚毅. 非感染性临床输血不良反应81例回顾性分析[J]. 国际医药卫生导报, 2022, 28(20): 2848-2852. DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1007-1245.2022.20.007
作者姓名:段丽华 张伟丽 时珊珊 孙彦奇 张厚毅
作者单位:1济宁医学院附属滕州市中心人民医院输血科,滕州 277500;2济宁医学院附属滕州市中心人民医院重症医学科,滕州 277500
摘    要:目的 探讨非感染性输血不良反应的发生情况及预防措施,从而提高医务人员对临床输血不良反应的认识和重视程度,降低输血不良反应发生率,建立安全、科学、合理的输血机制。方法 回顾性分析济宁医学院附属滕州市中心人民医院2018年1月1日至2021年12月31日发生的81例输血不良反应,分析非感染性输血不良反应的科室分布、时间分布、年龄分布、血型及血制品种类分布等。统计学方法采用χ2检验。结果 各种血液制品的输注过程中均可导致不同程度的输血不良反应。2018年1月1日至2021年12月31日期间接受输血的患者共24 608人次,发生输血不良反应81例,总发生率为0.33%;发生科室主要集中在妇产科,年龄主要集中在20~<60岁,其中女性发生率为0.23%(56/24 608),男性发生率为0.10%(25/24 608);输血不良反应患者中有输血史54例(66.7%),无输血史27例(33.3%)。4年间2018年、2020年输血不良反应发生较多,共54例,占总数的66.7%;2019年和2021年较少,共27例,占总数的33.3%;不同年份之间输血不良反应发生率比较差异有统计学意义(χ2=9.528,P<0.05)。输注血液成分以去白细胞单采血小板的输血不良反应发生率最高[0.66%(22/24 608)],其次为去白细胞悬浮红细胞[0.31%(43/24 608)]、病毒灭活冰冻血浆[0.31%(16/24 608)],其他血液制品未见输血不良反应发生,去白细胞单采血小板与去白细胞悬浮红细胞、病毒灭活冰冻血浆的输血不良反应发生率比较差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。不良反应类型以过敏反应为最多,为58例,其次是非溶血性发热反应8例。结论 临床输血作为救治危重症患者一项重要治疗措施,医护人员要严格按照规范和制度用血,尽最大努力地减少输血不良反应发生,使临床输血更安全、科学、合理。

关 键 词:非感染性输血不良反应  血制品  回顾性分析  

Retrospective analysis of 81 cases of non-infectious clinical adversetransfusion reactions
Duan Lihua,Zhang Weili,Shi Shanshan,Sun Yanqi,Zhang Houyi. Retrospective analysis of 81 cases of non-infectious clinical adversetransfusion reactions[J]. International Medicine & Health Guidance News, 2022, 28(20): 2848-2852. DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1007-1245.2022.20.007
Authors:Duan Lihua  Zhang Weili  Shi Shanshan  Sun Yanqi  Zhang Houyi
Affiliation:1 Department of Transfusion, Tengzhou CentralPeople's Hospital Affiliated to Jining Medical College, Tengzhou 277500, China;2 Department of Critical Care Medicine, Tengzhou Central People'sHospital Affiliated to Jining Medical College, Tengzhou 277500, China
Abstract:Objective To investigate the occurrence and preventive measures of non-infectiousadverse transfusion reactions, so as to improve the awareness and attention of medicalstaff on clinical adverse transfusion reactions, reduce the incidence ofadverse transfusion reactions, and establish a safe, scientific, and reasonabletransfusion mechanism. Methods A total of 81 casesof adverse transfusion reactions in Tengzhou Central People's HospitalAffiliated to Jining Medical College from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2021were retrospectively analyzed. The department distribution, time distribution,age distribution, blood type distribution, and blood product type distributionof non-infectious adverse transfusion reactions were analyzed. χ2 test was used forstatistical analysis. Results The infusion processof various blood products could lead to different degrees of adversetransfusion reactions. A total of 24 608 patient times received bloodtransfusion from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2021, among them 81 cases ofadverse transfusion reactions occurred, with a total incidence of 0.33%. Theoccurrence departments were mainly concentrated in department of gynecology andobstetrics, and the age was mainly concentrated in 21-<60 years old. Thefemale incidence was 0.23% (56/24 608), and the male incidence was 0.10% (25/24608). Among the cases of adverse transfusion reactions, 54 cases had a historyof blood transfusion, accounting for 66.7%, and 27 cases had no history ofblood transfusion, accounting for 33.3%. In 2018 and 2020, there were 54 casesof adverse transfusion reactions, accounting for 66.7% of the total; in 2019and 2021, there were 27 cases, accounting for 33.3% of the total; there was astatistically significant difference in the incidence of adverse transfusionreactions among different years (χ2=9.528, P<0.05). The incidence of adversetransfusion reactions was the highest in leukocyte-depleted apheresis platelets[0.66% (22/24 608)], followed by leukocyte-depleted suspended red blood cells[0.31% (43/24 608)] and virus-inactivated frozen plasma [0.31% (16/24 608)],there were no adverse transfusion reactions in other blood products, and therewas a statistically significant difference in the incidence of adversetransfusion reactions among leukocyte-depleted apheresis platelets,leukocyte-depleted suspended red blood cells, and virus-inactivated frozenplasma (P<0.05). The most commonadverse reaction was allergic reaction (58 cases), followed by nonhemolyticfever (8 cases). Conclusion Clinical bloodtransfusion is an important treatment measure for critically ill patients, somedical staff should strictly abide by the relevant blood transfusion managementprocedures and technical operation norms and try our best to reduce adversetransfusion reactions, to make clinical blood transfusion safer, morescientific, and more reasonable.
Keywords:Non-infectious adverse transfusionreactions  Blood products  Retrospective analysis  
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