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Prognostic Significance of the Size of Coronary Artery Aneurysms in Kawasaki Disease
Authors:Tomoharu Akiba  M.D.    Tetsuo Sato  M.D.    Masaru Yoshikawa  M.D.    Shinsuke Otaki  M.D.    Yokio Kobayashi  M.D.    Mitsuru Nakasato  M.D.    Hiroshi Suzuki  M.D.   Tadashi Hayashi  M.D.
Affiliation:Department of Pediatrics, Yamagata University School of Medicine, Yamugata
Abstract:The prognosis of coronary artery aneurysms complicating Kawasaki disease was assessed by serial coronary angiography in 33 patients. They underwent initial angiography with four months, and one or two follow-up angiographies between 11 months to 6.3 years after the onset of the illness. 'Ihese patients had 69 coronary aneurysms at the initial study. The maximal diameter of the aneurysms was expressed as a percent of the normal value. Of 44 aneurysms with a diameter less than 300% of normal, 43 were found to have regressed on follow-up. Of 13 aneurysms with a diameter 300 to 400% of normal, four were proved to have regressed, eight persisted and one stenosed. Of 12 aneurysms with a diameter 400% of normal or more, one was found to have regressed, four persisted, two stenosed and five obstmcted. Thus, the prognosis of aneurysms less than 300% of normal in diameter is excellent, whereas that of aneurysms 400% of normal or more in diameter is serious.
Keywords:Kawasaki disease    Coronary angiography    Normal coronary dimension    Coronary artery aneurysm    Prognosis
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