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The Association of Different Measures of Insulinaemia with Vascular Risk Factors in Healthy Normoglycaemic Normotensive Non-obese Men and Women
Hyperinsulinaemia is said to be a risk factor for cardiovasculardisease, but the extent to which different insulinaemic measuresare associated with vascular risk factors in ostensibly healthyindividuals, and whether they operate independently in men andwomen, remains uncertain. The association between risk factors and various insulinaemicmeasures was examined in 148 men and 118 women who were normoglycaemic,normotensive, and non-obese (body mass index in men <27,in women <25). A 75 g glucose tolerance test was administeredafter blood sampling for fibrinogen, lipids, lipoproteins andinsulin. Insulin was also measured after 1 and 2 hours. Significantunivariate correlations (p<0.01) were most consistently recordedbetween insulinaemic measures and fasting serum triglyceridesin men and women, whilst systolic blood pressure only correlatedwith insulinaemia in women, and diastolic blood pressure correlatedwith fasting and 2 hour insulinaemic measures in men and women.Inconsistent associations were noted with total serum cholesterolin men and women, with high density lipoprotein cholesterol,body mass index, apoprotein B and A1 in men, and with fibrinogenin women. Age was not correlated with any insulinaemic measurein men or women. Differences in vascular risk factors between quintiles of theinsulinaemic measures were examined, after correction for bodymass index. The dominant association with fasting and post-glucoseload insulinaemic measures was with triglycerides, especiallyin women, with less frequent graded differences between quintilesobserved for total cholesterol, and diastolic and systolic bloodpressures in men and women. The incidence of other risk factors often only differed in thelowest or highest quintile in comparison to other quintiles,suggesting a threshold rather than a graded effect. Furthermore,differences in HDL cholesterol and apoprotein B were only recordedfor top quintiles of post-glucose challenge/integrated insulinaemicmeasures in men, whilst serum fibrinogen concentrations onlydiffered significantly in women in the top insulinaemic areaunder the curve quintile. In the absence of additional risk factors such as diabetes,hypertension and obesity, insulinaemic measures are not consistentlyrelated to blood pressure and measures of lipid metabolism andcoagulation, and are thus a weak predictor of other cardiovascularrisk factors. The vascular risk profile associated with insulinappears somewhat different in apparently healthy men and women.
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