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Spontaneous activity competes with externally evoked responses in sensory cortex
Authors:Golan Karvat  Mansour Alyahyay  Ilka Diester
Affiliation:aOptophysiology Lab, Institute of Biology III, University of Freiburg, 79104 Freiburg, Germany;bBernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Freiburg, University of Freiburg, 79104 Freiburg, Germany;cBrainLinks-BrainTools, University of Freiburg, 79104 Freiburg, Germany;dIntelligent Machine Brain Interfacing Technology (IMBIT), 79110 Freiburg, Germany
Abstract:The interaction between spontaneous and externally evoked neuronal activity is fundamental for a functional brain. Increasing evidence suggests that bursts of high-power oscillations in the 15- to 30-Hz beta-band represent activation of internally generated events and mask perception of external cues. Yet demonstration of the effect of beta-power modulation on perception in real time is missing, and little is known about the underlying mechanism. Here, we used a closed-loop stimulus-intensity adjustment system based on online burst-occupancy analyses in rats involved in a forepaw vibrotactile detection task. We found that the masking influence of burst occupancy on perception can be counterbalanced in real time by adjusting the vibration amplitude. Offline analysis of firing rates (FRs) and local field potentials across cortical layers and frequency bands confirmed that beta-power in the somatosensory cortex anticorrelated with sensory evoked responses. Mechanistically, bursts in all bands were accompanied by transient synchronization of cell assemblies, but only beta-bursts were followed by a reduction of FR. Our closed loop approach reveals that spontaneous beta-bursts reflect a dynamic state that competes with external stimuli.

The brain is constantly active, even at resting states in the absence of external stimuli (1). Spontaneously active resting-state networks (RSNs) were found in memory, visual, auditory, tactile, and sensorimotor regions, with activity patterns similar to task-evoked responses (2, 3). Functional connectivity studies in humans suggest that a default network, spontaneously activated at resting states and deactivated upon increased cognitive demands, antagonizes a network involved in active attention to external sensory input (48). However, whether the activity in different networks is anticorrelated is under debate, and their antagonizing mechanisms and influence on local circuits remain unknown (9).Here, we utilized the occupancy of high-power bursts in the beta-band (15 to 30 Hz) of local field potentials (LFPs) as an indicator of spontaneous activity to investigate its influence on detection in real time. Several lines of evidence relate the RSN to beta-bursts. First, spontaneous correlated oscillatory activity in beta (termed “beta-connectome”) (10) was reported in anatomical regions corresponding to the RSN (11, 12). A recent study derived this beta-connectome from burst occupancy (10). Second, beta-oscillations are dominant during the resting state (13) and bursts are responsible for virtually all beta-band power modulation (14). Third, task-dependent desynchronization of beta was observed in the somatosensory (15, 16), visual (17), auditory (18), and motor (19) cortices, resembling RSN deactivation (4, 7). The task-dependent averaged power modulation was attributed to changes in burst rates in rodents, nonhuman primates, and humans (14, 20, 21). Fourth, the burst duration (50 to a few hundred milliseconds) (22) is similar to “packets” of neural activity, which are conceived as messages initiated in a particular cortical region and spread as a wave over the cortex. Most of these packets are generated spontaneously, and spontaneous and sensory-evoked packets are remarkably similar (23).We found that bursts in all bands indicate transient synchronization of flexible neuronal networks, but only beta-bursts were followed by a reduction in population firing rate (FR). High occupancies of beta-bursts predicted reduced detection, and this effect can be counterbalanced bidirectionally in real time by adjusting the stimulus intensity according to burst occupancy.
Keywords:LFP   beta-burst   cortex   somatosensory
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