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Pathologic, cytologic and immunohistochemical findings of an intra-abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor in a 15-year-old male
Authors:Takekawa Y  Ugajin W  Koide H  Nishio S  Yamamoto T  Sawada T
Affiliation:Department of Pathology, Yokosuka Municipal Hospital,Yokosuka City, Kanagawa 240-0195, Japan.
Abstract:The intra-abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor is a rare neoplasm. It usually occurs in young males and diffusely involves the peritoneum and pursues an aggressive clinical course. The present patient was a 15-year-old male who experienced abdominal pain and abdominal swelling. The patient was diagnosed with an intestinal myogenic sarcoma, and surgery for tumor resection was performed in June 1999. The tumor was a 20 x 15 x 15 cm well-defined mass in the peritoneum involving the transverse colon and stomach with peritoneal disseminations and splenic metastasis. Microscopic findings were well-defined nests composed of small round cells and separated by abundant desmoplastic stroma. Cytologically, the tumor cells consisted of small, round to oval cells with a scant amount of light blue cytoplasm. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were positive for anti-epithelial membrane antigen, vimentin, desmin, neuron-specific enolase and WT1 protein antibodies. Similar pathologic features with other small round cell tumors may lead to differential diagnostic difficulties that require the application of ancillary diagnostic methods, such as immunohistochemistry and cytogenetic techniques.
Keywords:cytology    immunohistochemistry    intra-abdominal desmoplastic small round cell tumor    pathology
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