机动护士在小儿外科护理单元的设置与效果 |
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引用本文: | 张凤云,;王春立,;王晓军. 机动护士在小儿外科护理单元的设置与效果[J]. 中华现代护理杂志, 2014, 0(34): 4374-4376 |
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作者姓名: | 张凤云, 王春立, 王晓军 |
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作者单位: | [1]首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院护理部,100045; [2]首都医科大学附属北京儿童医院血液肿瘤中心,100045 |
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摘 要: | 目的:探讨在人力资源有限的情况下如何合理配置人力,最大限度地保证和提高护理质量。方法2013年5月在儿外科设置机动护士岗位,明确任职条件、职责和相关待遇,制定选拔、培训、考核和调配制度。结果6人被聘任为机动护士,1年内机动护士被调配12次,调配所需时间从开展机动护士前(30.00±8.49)h下降至(8.33±7.23)h,差异有统计学意义(t=3.96,P<0.05);开展后护士及患儿家长的满意度均较开展前提高,护理不良事件较开展前减少,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论在护理人力资源有限的情况下,建立机动护士选拔培养和使用制度,是一项充分挖掘和使用人力资源的有效措施。
关 键 词: | 人员开发 机动护士 调配 应用 |
Setting effect of mobile nurse in pediatric surgical nursing unit |
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Affiliation: | Zhang Fengyun, Wang Chunli, Wang, Xiaojun Department of Nursing, Beijing Children's Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100045, China |
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Abstract: | Objective To explore a way to better rational allocation of nurse human resources, so as to maximum guarantee and improve the quality nursing on limit manpower.Methods Beijing Children’ s Hospital carried out the mobile nurse qualifications, definited the duties, pay, and made the selection, training, assessment, deployment system in pediatric surgery in Beijing Children’ s Hospital between May 2013 and May 2014.Results Six nurses were employed, 12 mobilization times was happened during the year.And the time of mobilization needed was reduced from (30.00 ±8.49) hours to (8.33 ±7.23) hours, and the difference was statistically significant (t=3.96,P〈0.05).The satisfaction of nurses and patient’s family were significantly improved, and the nursing adverse event was reduced (P〈0.05).Conclusions Establishment the system of training and using the mobile nurse is an effective way to fully exploit and use human resource on limit manpower. |
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Keywords: | Human resource Mobile nurse Allocate Application |
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