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Phenotypic,ethologically based resolution of spontaneous and D(2)-like vs D(1)-like agonist-induced behavioural topography in mice with congenic D(3) dopamine receptor "knockout"
Authors:McNamara Fergal N  Clifford Jeremiah J  Tighe Orna  Kinsella Anthony  Drago John  Fuchs Sara  Croke David T  Waddington John L
Affiliation:Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin 2, Ireland.
Uncertainty as to the functional role of the D(3) dopamine receptor, due primarily to a paucity of selective agonists or antagonists, is being addressed in mice with targeted gene deletion ("knockout") thereof. This study describes, for the first time, the phenotype of congenic D(3)-null mice. Initially, 129/Sv x C57BL/6 D(3)-null mice were backcrossed 14 times onto C57BL/6; they were then assessed using an ethologically based approach which resolves all topographies of behaviour within the mouse repertoire. The ethogram of D(3)-null mice, on comparison with wildtypes, was characterised by no alteration in any topography of behaviour over an initial period of exploration; subsequent assessment over several hours revealed only increased rearing among females due to delayed habituation. Low doses of the selective D(2)-like agonist RU 24213 (0.016-0.25 mg/kg) inhibited topographies of exploratory behaviour; this effect was diminished in D(3)-null mice only when investigated following prolonged habituation, and then only for certain topographies of behaviour, primarily sniffing and rearing. High doses of RU 24213 (0.1-12.5 mg/kg) induced stereotyped sniffing and "ponderous" locomotion, while the selective D(1)-like agonist SK&F 83959 (0.016-2.0 mg/kg) promoted characteristic grooming syntax; these effects did not differ materially between the genotypes. When examined topographically on an essentially congenic C57BL/6 background (<0.005% 129/Sv), the resultant phenotype indicated essential conservation of the mouse ethogram, high-dose D(2)-like stimulatory effects, and D(1)-like stimulatory effects in the absence of D(3) receptors. A role for D(3) receptors in inhibitory processes appeared topographically circumscribed and only when baseline levels of behaviour were low.
Keywords:D3 dopamine receptors  congenic D3 knockouts  behavioural phenotype  topographical assessment
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