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Granulocyte elastase levels do not correlate with anaerobic and aerobic bacterial growth in seminal plasma from infertile men
Affiliation:University Department of Surgery/Urology, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, U.K.
Abstract:Seminal culture and leucocyte elastase measurements were undertaken on samples from 30 men attending an infertility clinic. Elastase levels over 1000 ng ml-1 were obtained in 14 men and positive bacterial culture in 11 men, but there was no correlation between these two sets of measurements. While granulocyte elastase measurement in semen may reflect inflammation, our study suggests that it cannot be used as a simple marker of infection particularly in a population such as ours where the prevalence of prostatitis and genital infection is low.
Keywords:granulocyte elastase    seminal plasma    male infertility
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