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引用本文:邹开利,漆静,张守华,官莉,何源. 重庆两路口街道老年期痴呆横断面研究[J]. 中国组织工程研究与临床康复, 2003, 7(10): 1550-1551
作者姓名:邹开利  漆静  张守华  官莉  何源
摘    要:目的通过对重庆两路口街道老年期痴呆的横断面调查,了解重庆市社区老年期痴呆的流行病学情况.方法调查4个居委会共计 1519例≥ 65岁的老人,用简易精神量表( MMSE)及自行设计的调查表进行初筛.再根据美国精神疾病诊断和统计手册修订第IV版( DSM - IV - R)临床诊断和 Hachinski缺血量表进一步确定和区分为Alzheimer型痴呆( AD)和血管性痴呆( VD).结果老年期痴呆患病率为 5.73%,其中AD患病率为 4.8%, VD患病率为 0.59%,混合型患病率为 0.34%.经 logistic多元回归分析随年龄每增加5岁,患病的危险增加 1.132倍 ,女性患病的危险是男性的 1.132,低文化水平、丧偶独居、性格内向、高血压、脑卒中患痴呆的OR值为 1.593,1.775,2.627,1.951,2.253,而少量饮酒 OR值为 0.449.结论高龄、女性、低文化水平、丧偶独居、性格内向是老年期痴呆的易患因素.

关 键 词:痴呆 /流行病学  横断面研究  危险因素

A cross - sectionalstudy of senile dementia in Lianglukou street of Chongqing
Abstract. A cross - sectionalstudy of senile dementia in Lianglukou street of Chongqing[J]. Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research, 2003, 7(10): 1550-1551
Abstract:Aim To detect the epidemiology of community senile dementia in Chongqing by cross - sectional study on senile dementia at Lianglukou street of Chongqing.Methods A total of 1519 people over 65 years from four residents communities were investigated .First screening was performed according to MMSE and our questionnaires.According to America psychiatry disease diagnosis and statistics handbook,the fourth edition( DSM - IV - R)clinical diagnosis and Hachinski score Alzhemer Disease(AD) and Vascular Dementia(VD )were diagnosed.Results Prevalence rate of senile dementia was 5.73% ,among which AD was 4.8% ,VD was 0.59% and others were 0.34% .By logistic multiple regression analysis,the incidence increased 1.132 times every 5 years,incidence in females was 1.132 times higher than that in males and OR values of low education level,losing spouse,introversion,hypertension and stroke were respectively 1.593,1.775,2.627,1.951,2.253 while the OR value of little drinking was 0.449.Conclusion Older age,female,low education level,living alone,introversion are the susceptible factors for senile dementia.
Keywords:dementia/epidemiology  cross - sectional studies  risk factors
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