外周5-羟色胺系统与针刺镇痛 |
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引用本文: | 史学义,吴景兰. 外周5-羟色胺系统与针刺镇痛[J]. 针刺研究, 1983, 0(2) |
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作者姓名: | 史学义 吴景兰 |
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作者单位: | 河南医学院组胚教研室,河南医学院组胚教研室 |
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摘 要: | <正> 5-羟色胺(5-HT)是体内一种重要的吲哚型生物活性单胺。因其不能透过血脑屏障,所以存在于中枢神经系统和外周的5-HT基本上分属两个独立的系统。在中枢神经的系统中,5-HT主要存在于中枢5-HT能系统,中缝核则是脑内5-HT能神经元胞体最集中的部位。中枢5-HT即是由这些神经元合成、分泌的神经激素,经其末梢释放,作为神经介质或突触传递调节物参与多种生理功能的调节。有人认为5-HT是中枢抑制性介质。
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Abstract: | A review of recent approaches regarding the effect of peripheral serot- onin in acupuncture analgesia is what this article attempts to present. It has been reported in most data that acupuncture might have the effects of elevation of the platelet 5-HT content and depression of free 5- HT concetration in plasma, the latter being considered as a pain-producing agent. Besides, the increase of tryptophan in blood was also reported after acupuncture. It is well known that tryptophan, the precursor of 2-HT, can permeate into brain via blood-drain barrier and facilitate intracephalic sy- nthesis of 5-HT which is an analgesic transmitter in the brain. As for the activity of APUD cells after acupuncture, there were conflicting reports of augmentation or depression in release of serotonin from APUD cells. Moreover, an increase of mono-amine oxidase activity in platelets was de- monstrated afer acupuncture and was positively correlated with the efficacy of analgesia. However, the mechanism of that remains to be elucidated. |
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