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Early infant crying and sleeping problems: a pilot study of impact on parental well-being and parent-endorsed strategies for management
Authors:Smart Jayne  Hiscock Harriet
Affiliation:Centre for Community Child Health, Royal Children's Hospital, Parkville, Victoria, Australia.
Abstract:AIMS: Infant sleeping and crying problems are common and impact adversely on maternal mental health but their impact on paternal mental health is unknown. A consistent approach to managing such problems has not been identified. Parents may be able to identify useful management strategies, which could then inform the content of a prevention/early intervention approach to such problems. We aimed to determine the impact of infant behaviour problems on maternal and paternal mental health and management strategies that parents find useful. METHODS: Design: Pre-post intervention pilot. Setting: Paediatric outpatient clinic at the Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne. Participants: 71 mothers and 60 fathers of infants aged 2 weeks to 7 months recruited from July 2004 to April 2005. Main outcome measures: Pre and post questionnaires measuring maternal and paternal well-being (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS)), parent report of infant behaviour problems, usefulness of consultation strategies. RESULTS: Three weeks post consultation, fewer parents reported that their infant's behaviour was still a problem (64% of mothers and 55% of fathers). Thirty per cent fewer mothers reported an EPDS score>12 (45% pre vs. 15% post clinic) while 11% fewer fathers reported an EPDS score>9 (30% pre vs. 19% post clinic). Most parents (80% or more) rated exclusion of medical causes and information about normal sleeping/crying as useful. CONCLUSIONS: Problem infant behaviours are associated with poor parental mental health. An intervention/prevention approach to infant behaviour problems should include fathers and contain information about normal infant sleeping and crying patterns and exclusion of medical causes.
Keywords:colic    infant crying    infant sleeping    maternal depression    paternal depression
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