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Comparison of radioimmunoassay and enzyme immunoassay kits for detection of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 antigen in both concentrated and nonconcentrated urine samples.
Authors:J A Domí  nguez, L Matas, J M Manterola, R Blavia, N Sopena, F J Belda, E Padilla, M Gim  nez, M Sabri  , J Morera,   V Ausina
Affiliation:J A Domínguez, L Matas, J M Manterola, R Blavia, N Sopena, F J Belda, E Padilla, M Giménez, M Sabrià, J Morera, and V Ausina
Abstract:We evaluated a commercial enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kit for detection of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 soluble antigen by comparing it to radioimmunoassay (RIA), using both concentrated and nonconcentrated urine samples. The sensitivity of EIA was 67.4% in nonconcentrated urine samples and 82.6% in concentrated urine samples. The sensitivity of RIA was 60.9% and 84.8% in nonconcentrated and concentrated urine samples, respectively. Our study indicates that the sensitivity and specificity of EIA are comparable to those of RIA, and that concentrating the antigen by selective ultrafiltration increases sensitivity for both EIA and RIA, with no significant decrease in specificity.
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