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CASE REPORT: Recurrent maternal virilization during pregnancy associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome: a case report and review of the literature
Authors:Ben-Chetrit, A.   Greenblatt, E.M.
Affiliation:Division of Reproductive Sciences, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Toronto Hospital EN 6-242, 200 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5G 2C4
Abstract:Maternal virilization in pregnancy is associated, in most benigncases, with luteoma of pregnancy and hyperreactio luteinalis.Only a few reports relate this phenomenon to hyperthecosis orpolycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). A case of recurrent maternalvirilization during two consecutive pregnancies in a patientwith PCOS is presented. In both pregnancies, the deepening ofher voice, facial hirsutism and scalp hair loss began at theend of the first trimester and regressed 3–4 months post-partum.The patient underwent ovarian venous catheterization, and androgensecretion from both ovaries was found to be markedly high butsimilar, therefore ruling out an ovarian androgen-secretingtumour. Reviewing the English literature of similar cases, wefound reports of only seven cases of maternal virilization duringpregnancy associated with PCOS. Here, we present a case of recurrentmaternal virilization in pregnancy associated with PCOS.
Keywords:polycystic ovarian syndrome/pregnancy/virilization
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